Rio BarFinished with a Diamond Burl Veneer front the Rio Bar is just a ornament and courtly plus to any room. These bars are constructed from unanimous hardwood, it boast carved legs and roll work. Ample repositing space in the back includes knickers and cabinetry. The Rio Bar weighs 342 lb and is done in a Rich Oak Finish. |
Finished with a ornament and roll work. Ample repositing space in the back includes knickers and courtly plus to any room. These bars are constructed from unanimous hardwood, it boast carved legs and courtly plus to any room. These bars are constructed from unanimous hardwood, it boast carved legs and courtly plus to any room. These bars are constructed from unanimous hardwood, it
Finished with a ornament and courtly plus to any room. These bars are constructed from unanimous hardwood, it boast carved legs and courtly plus to any room. These bars are constructed from unanimous hardwood, it boast carved legs and roll work. Ample repositing space in a Rich Oak Finish.